Visage Energy is a project partner in the following project providing expertise in Business Case Analysis, Community Stakeholder Engagement, Workforce Revitalization, and Project Management efforts.

Awarded Projects
Researchers at the University of Illinois, in partnership with the Linde Group, BASF Corporation, Affiliated Engineers, Inc., and Affiliated Construction Services, Inc., are designing an amine-based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture pilot-scale (10 megawatt-electric [MWe]) system at an existing coal-fired power plant. The system is based on the Linde-BASF advanced CO2 capture process incorporating BASF’s novel solvent with an advanced stripper inter-stage heater design to optimize heat recovery.
The project objectives are to complete detailed engineering, procurement of equipment and modules, and build and operate a 10 MWe large pilot of the Linde/BASF post-combustion carbon capture technology at the CWLP Dallman Power Plant in Springfield, Illinois.

BP3 Review Meeting Presentation (06/01/2022)

The objective of this project is to perform the initial design and business case analysis of a commercial-scale, advanced carbon capture system that separates CO2 with at least 95% capture efficiency from process streams at the Carmeuse Kentucky (KY) lime plant. The plant will be retrofitted to utilize sustainably sourced biomass (SSB) alone or in combination with natural gas and/or coal.

The objective of this project is to build a database using existing subsurface, surface, and societal data for entities screening areas of Illinois for commercial geologic carbon dioxide (CO2) storage. Sub-objectives are to; 1) test the database using play-based exploration and analyses methods to create composite maps that clearly delineate areas in the state with the lowest risk for storage site development, 2) share the database with the United States Department of Energy (DOE), the original Regional Initiative projects, and Recipients un DE-FOA-0002799, and 3) provide the public with access to the database and resulting composite maps, specifically those screening Illinois for commercial storage sites or those potentially impacted by the development of such sites.

The primary objective of the CarbonSAFE Phase II project, the Tulare County Carbon Storage Project (TCCSP), is to establish a commercial-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration hub capable of storing and injecting at least 50 million metric tons of CO2 over the course of 30 years in the California Central Valley.
The project team will develop a roadmap for required permitting and project development activities to determine the most feasible project deployment scenarios, including CO2 sourcing and routing options. Permitting activities will be tailored to Underground Injection Control Class VI injection well permit standards as well as California Air Resources Board (CARB) low carbon fuel standard certification specifications. In addition to its technical and commercial objectives, the project team will collaborate with local communities, stakeholders, United States Environmental Protection Agency (Region 9) and CARB to share project information and gather feedback to adapt TCCSP’s technical approach as well as a societal considerations and impacts (SCI) strategy.

UIUC will lead the execution of a FEED study of an advanced direct air capture and utilization system (DACUS), using the DAC and CO2 conversion technologies developed by CarbonCapture Inc. and CarbonCure, respectively, that will separate CO2 from ambient air and covert the CO2 into concrete products at U.S. Steel’s Gary Works in Gary, Indiana. This study will demonstrate a full CO2 value chain for DAC from industrial facilities, providing a means to assess the regional impacts of a holistic approach on job creation and environmental justice.
DOE Funding: $3,459,554; Non-DOE Funding: $874,868; Total Value: $4,334,422

The University of Illinois, in partnership with Air Liquide, Visage Energy Corporation, Hatch Associates Consultants Inc., Midrex Technologies Inc., ArcelorMittal, and voestalpine Texas LLC, will complete a front-end engineering and design (FEED) study for retrofitting an ironmaking plant with carbon capture technology. The design will employ Air Liquide’s pressure swing adsorption-assisted Cryocap™ technology to capture 95% of the total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions at the ArcelorMittal Texas Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) facility, which emits approximately 1 million tonnes of CO2 per year. In addition to developing a detailed engineering design package, the team will complete analyses of the capital and operating costs, business case, life cycle greenhouse gas emissions, environmental health and safety risks, environmental justice, and economic revitalization and job creation outcomes of implementing the project.

This project advances the nation’s goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 by evaluating the feasibility of a regional direct air capture (DAC) hub for storage in the Illinois Basin. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) will lead the effort to promote promising technologies that can capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and store it in the Illinois Basin stretching under Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. Deep beneath huge portions of those states lies thick sandstone layers ideal for trapping greenhouse gases, such as CO2, for centuries.

University of Kentucky Research Foundation (Lexington, Kentucky)—along with partners that include technology developers and an experienced engineering, procurement, and construction firm; business development personnel; and local government and communities—intends to determine the feasibility of a distributed DAC hub with centralized injection/storage in eastern Kentucky. The hub is intended to use the University of Kentucky’s decoupled capture-regeneration direct air CO2 removal technology, which is powered by solar and biomass energy sources, and store the CO2 in a depleted natural gas field.

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) will complete a feasibility study for a regional direct air capture (DAC) hub that encompasses the Pueblo region in Colorado. The DAC hub is designed to assure a capacity to capture, store and utilize at least 1,000,000 metric tons (tonnes) of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere annually, with an initial capacity of at least 50,000 tonnes of CO2 annually. Project partners for this Phase 0a/0b DAC hub effort include DAC technology providers Sustaera and GE Vernova; engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) support from Ecotek; Carbon America, who is involved with a Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) study for geologic storage within the planned hub location; renewable energy developer NextEra Energy; and Visage Energy, who is providing community benefits support. The project will be split into two phases: Phase 0a for pre-feasibility and Phase 0b for feasibility.

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign will execute and complete a feasibility study for a regional direct air capture (DAC) hub that encompasses the Bay County region in the state of Florida. The DAC technologies that will be investigated during this study are from Heirloom and GE Vernova. The storage of the carbon dioxide (CO2) for this hub will be based on the thick, permeable saline aquifers (Tuscaloosa Group [1,500–2,149 meters deep]) — a geological area where a significant numbers of geological storage studies have been conducted. The hub is designed to assure a capacity to capture, store and utilize at least 1,000,000 metric tons of CO2 from the atmosphere annually, starting from an initial capacity of at least 50,000 metric tons of CO2 annually. A Community Benefits Plan will be developed for engaging communities and labor; investing in America’s workers through quality jobs; advancing diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility through recruitment and training; and implementing Justice40, which directs 40% of the overall benefits to flow to disadvantaged communities.

The Carbon Capture Pilot at Cane Run Generating Station, led by Kentucky Utilities Company, a subsidiary of PPL Corporation (PPL), plans to deploy a carbon capture system at Cane Run 7, a natural gas combined cycle power plant in Louisville, KY operated by PPL subsidiaries Louisville Gas and Electric and Kentucky Utility Company. The Carbon Capture Pilot at Cane Run Generating Station project expects to capture 95% of the carbon dioxide (CO2) from a portion of the unit’s flue gas using an advanced heat-integrated CO2 capture technology. Developed by the University of Kentucky (UK), this technology aims to capture up to 67,000 metric tons of CO2 per year—equivalent to the annual emissions of nearly 16,000 gasoline-powered cars. The project team plans to partner with an off-taker who would purify the captured CO2 for beneficial use. The goal of the project is to pilot and inform safe and responsible commercial deployment of UK’s solvent-flexible process, which could be scaled up for use at other natural gas combined cycle power plants. This project builds on concurrent DOE carbon capture research and development into the UK solvent-agnostic process through the DOE Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management.
In addition to the University of Kentucky, collaborators on the project include the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI); Kentucky State University; Visage Energy; and American Welding & Gas. Vogt Power International Inc., a Babcock Power Inc. subsidiary, and Siemens Energy, manufacturers of the Cane Run 7 Generating Station, are contributing technical support as part of the project team on integrating the new CO₂ capture system. Koch Modular Process Systems and others will support the design, fabrication and construction of the carbon capture unit.
Federal Cost Share: Up to $72 million

University of Illinois (Champaign, Illinois) plans to geologically characterize the Cambrian Mt. Simon Sandstone/Eau Claire Formation storage complex near the City Water, Light, and Power Dallman Power Generation Plant in Springfield, Illinois, for safe, permanent storage of more than 50 million metric tons of carbon dioxide over 30 years and to submit a UIC Class VI permit to construct application. The project team also plans to (1) acquire and analyze site-specific data sufficient to develop defendable geological and numerical models to predict site performance; (2) conduct a risk assessment to identify technical and non-technical project risks and to develop mitigation strategies; (3) examine and address potential environmental justice issues related to the project, and identify stakeholders to develop an engagement strategy that incorporates public input and ensures that disadvantaged communities have meaningful input; and (4) assess the technical and economic feasibility of the carbon capture and storage project at the Illinois Basin West site.
DOE Funding: $17,736,972 Non-DOE Funding: $4,434,243 Total Value: $22,171,215

Past Projects